(Ashland, Ore.) – The SOU Percussion Ensembles, part of the Music program of the Oregon Center for the Arts at Southern Oregon University, hosts the Northwest Percussion Festival from April 10 to 12, 2015 in the Music Recital Hall and Center Stage Theatre on the campus. Admission is free to Festival events except for the ticketed opening concert.
The opening concert on Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the SOU Music Recital Hall features the SOU Percussion Ensembles, directed by Terry Longshore, and guest percussion virtuoso Steven Schick. The percussionists will perform George Antheil’s epic modernist masterpiece, “Ballet Méchanique,” and the West Coast premiere of Elliot Cole’s “Amen.” Tickets are $10 regular, $5 for senior citizens and free to fulltime students of all ages.
“The opening night performance of George Antheil’s ‘Ballet Méchanique’ is an experience not to be missed,” said Terry Longshore, director of percussion studies at SOU. “It is an epic work – extremely difficult and exciting, and a logistical challenge with four grand pianos, a Dadaist film element and more to coordinate. It is an amazing piece of music.”
The Northwest Percussion Festival continues on Saturday, April 11. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., audiences will have the opportunity to hear university ensemble groups from the Northwest region of the Percussive Arts Society perform. Ensembles are visiting from California State University, Sacramento; Central Washington University; Husky Percussion Ensemble (University of Washington); Portland State University; University of Alaska, Fairbanks; University of Oregon; Western Oregon University; and Western Washington University.
Guest artist Steven Schick will teach a master class from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Saturday wraps up with a Directors’ Recital at 7:30 p.m., featuring percussion directors of participating ensembles and the Portland Percussion Group. “This will be a cool way to hear all of the ensemble leaders do their thing in concert, so don’t miss out on Saturday night,” said Longshore.
The Festival concludes on Sunday, April 12. University percussion ensembles from Oregon, Washington, California and Alaska will continue to perform in the Music Recital Hall until early afternoon.
“I am very excited to be hosting the Northwest Percussion Festival for the first time, and to present virtuoso percussionist Steven Schick to the festival audience,” said Longshore. “He is my mentor and teacher from graduate school at University of California San Diego, and one of the world’s preeminent solo multi-percussionists.”
Opening concert tickets are $10, $5 senior and free to full-time students. The Performing Arts Box Office is located in the Music Recital Hall lobby. Box office hours are noon to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and two hours prior to each performance. Tickets can be purchased with a credit card over the phone by calling 541-552-6348 or online at oca.sou.edu/events. Contact the box office for discounts offered to SOU alumni, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute participants and SNAP/Oregon Trail cardholders.
About Southern Oregon University
Southern Oregon University provides outstanding student experiences, valued degrees, and successful graduates. SOU is known for excellence in faculty, intellectual creativity and rigor, quality and innovation in connected learning programs, and the educational benefits of its unique geographic location. SOU was the first university in Oregon—and one of the first in the nation—to offset 100 percent of its energy use with clean, renewable power, and it is the first university in the nation to balance 100 percent of its water consumption. Visit sou.edu.