SOU Latest News

SOU Professor Releases Book with International Scholars on Climate Change, Economics and Ethics

Dr. John Gutrich is a co-author of Climate Change and Environmental Ethics

SOU Environmental Studies Majors Receive National Science Foundation Research Scholarships

The two outstanding SOU students are doing serious environmental research.

SOU Students Present Research Findings at the University of Maryland

Study examines the economic costs of managing groundwater.

New Scholarship for SOU Study Abroad

Junior Christina Burns is the 2011 recipient and will travel to Oviedo, Spain.

The Schneider Museum of Art presents Views from the Inner Eye

Exhibit will run through August 26.

Ashland, Oregon Selected as Top Ten Finalist in Outside Magazine’s Search For The “Best Town In America”

Ashland has been selected by Outside magazine as a finalist in its search to determine the best Outside town in America.

1,143 to Receive Degrees and Certificates at SOU Commencement

(Ashland, Ore.) Approximately 1,143 students will receive degrees at Southern Oregon University’s 85th Commencement exercises on Saturday, June 11. The ceremony begins in the Mountain Arena of SOU Raider Stadium at 9:00 a.m. and will be broadcast live on Rogue Valley Community Television, cable channel 9, and rebroadcast the same day at 6 p.m. on […]

SOU Discovery Named to ‘Top 10 New Species’ List

An underwater mushroom found growing in the swift and cold upper Rogue River in 2005 has been named one of the ‘Top 10 New Species’ of the year by a group of taxonomists working with the International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University.

U N Club at SOU Hosts Discussion of the ‘Arab Spring’

The Southern Oregon University United Nations Club will sponsor a day of films and discussion Thursday, May 26, in the Rogue River Room of the Stevenson Union at SOU. Admission is free and the public is invited.