SOU Rotaract Club raises $10,000 for ShelterBox
The SOU Rotaract Club has now raised $10,000 in a three-year fund-raising commitment to ShelterBox, a charity that works in international disaster relief by providing families with shelter and other supplies.
Students from the club did multiple fundraisers, including selling Christmas decorations, hosting an Easter egg hunt and volunteering at local events. It is part of a three-year commitment made by the club to raise money for ShelterBox.
ShelterBox was established in 2000, and has since provided disaster relief in 97 different countries. The organization, an official partner organization of Rotary International, offers relief to displaced families who have lost their homes due to natural disasters. Families are given shelter boxes that each contain a large tent “house,” water purification kit, blankets and other equipment.
SOU’s current chapter of Rotaract – an entry-level version of Rotary International, geared toward young adults – was formed less than five years ago, and now has a steady core of active members and several others who have been interested in specific club projects. Rotaract chapters must take on both local projects and “world service” projects each year.
SOU’s Rotaract Club went all in on ShelterBox, resulting in a huge fundraising landmark. They’re not done yet though, with plans to continue fundraising for ShelterBox and increase student engagement during the 2022-23 academic year.
Students looking for a great way to get involved with their community and gain leadership skills in a fun environment can contact SOU’s Rotaract Club to learn about membership opportunities. More information is available on the club’s Twitter page or its website.
SOU News sat down with the club’s president, Teal Hamner, to discuss the club and the ShelterBox fundraising in this podcast interview below.
Story and photos by Nash Bennett, SOU Marketing and Communications student writer