SOU in the News: Nov. 15 to Nov. 21

SOU student, alumni, faculty and staff news and features
Chinook Observer of Long Beach, Wash. (Nov. 15) – Weather patterns in the Western U.S. have been a month ahead of the calendar for most of 2016, with the amount of rain and snow that fell during October anywhere from 150 percent to 400 percent of normal, according to Greg Jones, a wine climatologist at SOU.
Estacada News (Nov. 17) – Prakash Chenjeri – an SOU professor of philosophy, program chair and Democracy Project co-director – will lead a Dec. 6 discussion in Estacada on human nature and technology; the event is sponsored by Oregon Humanities and the Estacada Arts Commission.
Press Banner  of Scotts Valley, Calif. (Nov. 18) – Steve Walpole, who received his bachelor’s degree in criminology from SOU, was named interim police chief for Scotts Valley, Calif.; Walpole, who is currently a lieutenant for the Scotts Valley department, is also a candidate for the permanent police chief position.
Cumberland Times-News of Frostburg, Md. (Nov. 18) – Joseph Yungen, who received his bachelor’s degree in piano performance at SOU, is featured in the faculty artist series at Frostburg State University, where Yungen is a member of the music faculty.
KOBI-TV 10 and similar stories on KDRV-TV 12 and KTVL-TV 10 (Nov. 18) – About 600 prospective students attended Friday’s Preview Day at SOU, breaking the attendance record set a year ago and offering participants a look at the university (interviews with Joe Mosley, SOU public information officer; and both SOU and prospective students).
The Siskiyou (Nov. 21) – Tyler Takeshita – who ran for ASSOU vice president on the same ticket as ASSOU presidential candidate Colin Davis – takes over as student body president following Davis’ removal from office for procedural irregularities involving a back-to-school concert; Takeshita will frame Davis’ impeachment as a growing opportunity for the student government.
News about SOU academic programs/strong>
Herald and News (Nov. 20) – The new Tribal Attendance Pilot Project (TAPP) at all Chiloquin schools includes sending students to Konaway Nika Tillicum, an eight-day academy at SOU that includes a range of classes, lectures, cultural experiences and recreational activities for Native American students.
News about fine and performing arts
Daily Tidings (Nov. 17) – Musica Matrix, a new collaboration that features Medieval-Renaissance music, has its inaugural performance; its board includes Stephen Bacon, conservator of the Jack Schuman collection of early instruments at SOU.
Mail Tribune (Nov. 20) – Five performances by SOU alumnus and recording artist John Nilsen count as one of seven seasonal offerings that are full of holiday songs.
Mail Tribune (Nov. 21) – Austin Brayfield’s painting took on a new urgency after she was diagnosed with brain cancer; an exhibit that offers both pre- and post-diagnosis works is on display in SOU’s Marion Ady Building through Dec. 9.
Miscellaneous news
Daily Tidings (Nov. 16) – The Ashland Amigo Club’s second-annual Guanajuato Nights Dinner/Auction on Saturday night at the Ashland Elks Club is a fund-raiser for an endowment that supports an exchange program between SOU and the University of Guanajuato.
Mail Tribune and a similar story in the Daily Tidings (Nov. 19) – SOU men’s cross country team wins the NAIA National Championship, SOU women’s team places seventh.
‘ blog (Nov. 20) – SOU men’s cross country team named “Team of the Week” for Nov. 14-20 by the Cascade Collegiate Conference after winning the NAIA National Championship on Nov. 19.