SOU’s SWAVE team seeks new members

The new SWAVE (Sexual Wellness Anti-Violence Educators) team at the SOU Women’s Resource Center is seeking new members, whose training will include a sexual wellness education class (UGS 299) that will be offered Spring Term.

The SWAVE team, currently made up of five student workers, is focused on educating all students on the prevention of rape culture and abuse. Its goal is to engage the SOU campus to help eliminate sexual violence.

While the Women’s Resource Center often responds to and helps those who have been abused, the SWAVE team’s purpose is more preventive. Members of the team will be taught how to lead and educate their peers on topics such as consent, bystander empowerment, rape culture and other related topics.

All students, women and men, are welcome to become members of the SWAVE team, which focuses on current culture and the levels of abuse that may exist in relationships.

UGS 299, a two-credit class that will be held on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:20 p.m., will offer insights into the education of peers, public speaking and how to handle resistance in the classroom. Current SWAVE team members will help teach the class.

Prospective SWAVE members will also be encouraged to volunteer with the Women’s Resource Center.

The Women’s Resource Center works closely with Planned Parenthood and the Jackson County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). The center will work with SART on a presentation at the May conference of the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.

The WRC participates in other events throughout the year to help raise awareness, empower people and to assist those seeking help.

Story by Bryn Mosier, SOU Marketing and Communications intern