Southern Oregon Historical Society Honors SOU Archaeologists

June 26, 2014
For Immediate Release
For More Information Contact:
Dr. Mark Tveskov, Director of the Southern Oregon University Laboratory of Anthropology, Southern Oregon University; Tel: 541-552-6345,
Rob Esterlein, Executive Director, Southern Oregon Historical Society; Tel: 541-773-6536 Ext.1005, Email:
Southern Oregon University Laboratory of Anthropology to Receive Southern Oregon Heritage Award in Presentation on June 28
The Southern Oregon Historical Society (SOHS) will present its 2014 Southern Oregon Heritage Award to the Southern Oregon University Laboratory of Anthropology (SOULA) for its contributions to the scientific study of the History of the Rogue Valley and Southern Oregon. The award, given annually for outstanding contributions to the preservation and promotion of history, will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Oregon Historical Society on June 28.
Led by Dr. Mark Tveskov and staff archaeologists Chelsea Rose and Katie Johnson, the Laboratory of Anthropology at SOU has conducted detailed archaeological investigations at some of the most important historic and prehistoric sites in Southern Oregon. Recent and ongoing investigations include the old Chinese quarter in Jacksonville, Fort Lane in Central Point, the Peter Britt estate in Jacksonville and the site of the Battle of Hungry Hill in 1855 during the Rogue River Wars.
In describing the reasons the Southern Oregon Historical Society chose to honor SOULA, SOHS Executive Director Rob Esterlein commented, “We, the Southern Oregon Community, have benefited immeasurably from the work that Dr. Tveskov, his associates and students have done to apply discipline and scientific method to the study of Southern Oregon’s Past. Not only have they revealed aspects of the lives of individuals and communities that could not have been brought to light otherwise, they have regularly involved the public in the process of archaeological and historical discovery.”
“We couldn’t be more honored to receive this award,” Tveskov commented, “SOULA’s mission is to not only provide an educational opportunity for students seeking jobs in heritage fields, but also to serve Southern Oregon in the stewardship of our collective history.  This award reflects, we feel, the success and spirit of the public partnerships we have collectively developed between not only SOHS, but also local Indian Tribes and municipalities, federal and state agencies, and the public.”
The Annual Meeting of the Southern Oregon Historical Society takes place June 28, from 5pm – 7:30pm at historic Hanley Farm, 1056 Hanley Road in Central Point. The event, which includes entertainment, tours of the historic Hanley farmhouse, refreshments, presentation of awards and a talk by author Dennis Powers, is open to all members of the Southern Oregon Historical Society.
About the Southern Oregon Historical Society The Southern Oregon Historical Society is nonprofit 501c3 organization governed by its elected Board of Trustees, who act in accordance with SOHS bylaws and standard museum practices. The SOHS Director, appointed by the Board, is supported by a dedicated staff. Together, they work with many volunteers who keep the Library open, keep Hanley Farm running, and assist with programs, funding and outreach. More:
About Southern Oregon University Southern Oregon University provides outstanding student experiences, valued degrees, and successful graduates. SOU is known for excellence in faculty, intellectual creativity and rigor, quality and innovation in connected learning programs, and the educational benefits of its unique geographic location. SOU was the first university in Oregon—and one of the first in the nation—to offset 100 percent of its energy use with clean, renewable power, and it is the first university in the nation to balance 100% of its water consumption. Visit

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