SOU to Hold End of School Year Recycling Event
(Ashland, Ore.) The end of the school year is approaching when, in the past, SOU had to order several large dumpsters to handled what students threw away as they moved out of their residence hall. Much of what has been tossed in the trash is perfectly useful – in some cases unused – clothes, books, non-perishable food, office supplies, linens, furniture and more.
This year, SOU’s new Full Circle Recycling Program and Southern Oregon Goodwill hope to divert the flow from dumpsters to recycling bins.
SOU Recycling and Southern Oregon Goodwill are partnering to host the first annual Raider Reclamation event. The event will run throughout Finals Week, June 11-15, when students will donate usable items to collection sites at the residence halls. All deposited items will be donated to Goodwill to be resold or recycled.
“Goodwill is extremely grateful to SOU students participating in the Raider Reclamation move out event. Their donations are truly providing a gift of hope to the most needy in our communities,” said Gayle Byrne, CEO/President of Southern Oregon Goodwill Industries.
“Donations become valuable merchandise in local Goodwill retail stores where $.84 of every $1 funds our Mission to offer career services to over 1,500 people with disabilities and other barriers to employment,” Byrne said adding, “Donations are earth-friendly as well. We can recycle items, both to help others and keep the environment clean for future generations.”
Raider Reclamation is one component of the waste reduction initiatives currently being implemented at SOU.