SOU School of Education and the University of Oregon Work Together to Deliver Education Doctoral Program

(Ashland, Ore.) – Southern Oregon educators have a new opportunity to advance their careers without leaving the region.
Faculty in the SOU School of Education will collaborate with the department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership in the College of Education at the University of Oregon to offer a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership (D.Ed.). The degree provides practicing educational professionals with an advanced graduate degree that emphasizes leadership development, oral and written communication, and understanding of educational assessment and research.
Those likely to be interested in the new program include “school teachers and administrators, people interested in becoming university faculty and others in the human services sector,” says Professor Gregg Gassman of the SOU School of Education. Faculty from the two universities will teach the new program’s classes using web-based and video conferencing technologies as well as face-to-face. SOU faculty will also serve as members of students’ doctoral committees.

“There is considerable demand in the southern end of the state for a program like this,” says Gassman. “Persons wanting a doctoral degree had to go to Corvalis, Eugene or Portland until now. This program is offered exclusively in Southern Oregon.”

The application deadline for fall 2012 admission is March 1. Application materials can be accessed at .
Interested applicants with questions may contact Dr. Nancy Heapes, University of Oregon Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, Dr. Geoff Mills, Dean of the School of Education at Southern Oregon University, or Dr. Gregg Gassman School of Education at Southern Oregon University.
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