SOU Hosts Oxfam Banquet to Benefit Ashland Food Angels

Ashland, Ore. — Southern Oregon University’s Civic Engagement Program will be hosting an educational banquet on local and global issues of hunger to benefit the Ashland Food Angels on Thursday, Nov. 17 in the Stevenson Union’s Rogue River Room at 7 p.m. Donations will gladly be accepted.

The Oxfam Banquet is an event held worldwide by the organization, an international collective of groups and countries working to end world hunger. Oxfam provides information and support to raise awareness through hunger banquets, which have become renowned as the banquet where participants leave hungry, but with a larger perspective on hunger and access to food.

Participants are randomly assigned to categories of upper, middle and lower class and their seating and meals reflect those class standings. The upper class receive a three-course meal with table service and fine china, the middle class is served beans and rice through a buffet and lower class participants receive plates of rice and sit on the floor.

An educational discussion will follow the banquet, highlighting issues of global hunger in developing countries and community access to food and resources.
The event is open to students and community members alike. A requested donation of any amount and a silent auction will benefit the local non-profit Ashland Food Angels. Ashland Food Angels is a food distribution agency which collects donations of food from restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores and SOU’s food provider, Sodexo, to be sorted and distributed to the Senior Center, after school programs, the Jackson County Fuel Committee, West Side Kids, Northwest Seasonal Workers and others.
For more information, contact Sophia Mantheakis at 541-552-8039. To learn more about Oxfam, visit
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