Open enrollment has begun – and is mandatory
The once-a-year opportunity for benefits-eligible SOU employees to make changes to insurance and other benefits began today and continues through the end of October.
Open enrollment is a mandatory two-step process. It requires each employee to re-enroll, cancel or change their medical, dental and vision coverage, including the addition or removal of eligible dependents. Changes can also be made to flexible spending accounts and to other optional benefits.
The second step is for employees to complete the Health Engagement Model (HEM) questionnaire located on their current 2018 medical plan provider’s website. The HEM is confidential and provides a $17.50 monthly incentive for employees who complete it. Spouses or domestic partners will not be asked to complete the HEM. Employees who opted out of or declined medical coverage for 2018 but are choosing coverage for 2019 will need to call PEBB at (503) 373-1102 for an access code that allows them to complete the HEM.
Open enrollment may be completed through the PEBB Member Portal or by visiting SOU Human Resource Services (Churchill Hall, Room 159) to request a paper form.
Elections made during open enrollment will take effect Jan. 1, and new premiums will be seen on December paychecks. Those who complete both steps of the open enrollment process can make changes to their elections until Jan. 31.
Those who do not complete both open enrollment steps may see an increased deductible and other group coverage surcharges.
Information about open enrollment is available on the SOU open enrollment website. Dates and times of benefits and insurance provider presentations, and open enrollment computer lab help sessions will be announced soon. Those with questions may contact or 541-552-6167.
PEBB began an eligibility review of all enrolled dependents last fall, and that effort is continuing. Members are contacted directly and asked for proof of their dependents’ eligibility.
Information about the dependent eligibility review is available on the SOU Health Benefit Legislative Updates page, under the dependent eligibility review section.