SOU Alumni Spotlight

SOU Luders Manuel Writer

Luders-Manuel: Writer addresses race with creativity and compassion

Shannon Luders-Manuel (’07) wasn’t sure what a thesis statement was when came to SOU as an English major. She now makes her living as a writer, essayist and critical mixed-race scholar who has been published in a number of academic, news and creative publications. Luders-Manuel garnered national attention earlier this year when the New York […]

SOU Delaney Matson Sewing

Life in stitches: Delaney Matson’s passionate patterns

The old axiom says that if you do  something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. That may not hold true every single day for SOU alumna Delaney Matson, but she is coming pretty close. Matson, who graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in theatre arts with an emphasis on costume […]

SOU Ferrell homeless

Serving the Underserved: Maslow Project a one-stop resource for homeless youth

Jackson County has the third-highest number of homeless and at-risk children in Oregon – an estimated 2,500, according to the Department of Education. Homeless youth are more likely to miss school or drop out, receive lower scores on standardized tests and have a higher probability of suffering from depression, physical illnesses, and learning disabilities. Mary […]