SOU in the News: May 8-9, 2013
SOU showcases research and art
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Documentary developer to speak Monday at SOU
Mail Tribune May 9, 2013
SOU academic support prioritization report released
The Siskiyou May 8, 2013
It’s track and field conference championship time, and the Raiders want a title
SOU Raiders May 8, 2013
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SOU showcases research and art
May 08, 2013 9:40 AM
southern oregon arts and research
Each year, Southern Oregon Arts and Research showcases faculty and student research and artistic achievement at Southern Oregon University. The event will take place Monday through Friday, May 13-17, at SOU and will include student research projects, lectures, open laboratories and studios, live music and theater performances, faculty panels, art exhibits and a student film festival. All SOAR presentations are free, unless indicated otherwise. Free parking will be available in the lot off South Mountain Avenue. Seewww.souledu/soar for information.
Highlights include a demonstration of a hexacopter created by computer science faculty member Lynn Ackler. The small, radio-controlled, six-bladed helicopter is used by computer forensics classes to investigate crime scenes. It will fly over the SOU campus during SOAR opening ceremonies, videotaping scenes below.
SOAR kicks off at 7 p.m. Monday with a talk by Richard Hutton titled, “Communicating Happiness,” presented in the Meese Auditorium of the SOU Art Building. Hutton is executive producer of the PBS series “This Emotional Life.” Jackie Apodaca, associate professor at SOU, will moderate. At 7:30 p.m., the Faculty Brass Quintet will present “An Evening of West Coast Brass Music” in the Music Recital Hall. Admission is $5 but is free for students.
On Tuesday, SOAR opening cermonies are at 12:30 p.m. in the Stevenson Union courtyard. Following the ceremony, laboratories and studios — including Jefferson Public Radio in Central Hall, various departments of the Hannon Library, and RVTV’s multimedia studio, 345 Webster St. — will be open to visitors from 1 to 3 p.m. From 3 to 5 p.m., the costume and scene shops in the Theatre Arts Building will be open, along with the anthropology and geospatial labs in Taylor Hall; the computer data center in Computer Science West; digital arts in Computer Science East; the chemistry, biotechnology and physics labs in the Science Building; the nursing simulation center in Britt Hall; and the art studios in the Marion Ady Building. From 7 to 9 p.m., short films directed by SOU students will be showcased at the Varsity Theatre, 166 E. Main St. Admission is free. Call 541-482-3321.
From 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, students and faculty will present art, lectures, panels, demonstrations, live music and performance art at various campus locations. From noon to 1:30 p.m., students and faculty will present and discuss their research in the Rogue River Room in Stevenson Union. A reception will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. At 8 p.m., SOU’s theater program will present “Avenue Q” in its Center Stage Theatre. Tickets cost $21, $18 for seniors and $6 for students.
On Friday, student recitals will be held from 12:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Music Recital Hall, and students will present theatrical performances in front of the Theatre Arts Building.
Documentary developer to speak Monday at SOU
ASHLAND — Southern Oregon University’s annual campus theme, “Exploring Happiness,” comes to a close Monday, May 13, with “Communicating Happiness.” The presentation features Richard Hutton, developer of many award-winning documentaries and the executive director of the University of California at Santa Barbara’s Carsey-Wolf Center, which supports media research, teaching and literacy.
SOU Associate Professor of Theatre Jackie Apodaca will moderate the conversation at 7 p.m. Monday, May 13, in the Meese Auditorium of the SOU Art Building. Admission is free, and is open to the public. Parking is available in the metered lot off Indiana street adjacent to Cox Hall, along Indiana street, and in a few spaces behind the Schneider Museum of Art.
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